[Sunday Morning, June 15, 2014] The Israeli army imposed a strict military siege on the Hebron district, in the southern part of the occupied West Bank, and on the West Bank district of Bethlehem.Palestinian sources said the army installed dozens of roadblocks around Hebron, preventing the Palestinians from entering or leaving their communities, while hundreds of soldiers were deployed in the area, breaking into and searching homes, amidst a massive arrest campaign.

However, the army alleged there is no tight siege on Hebron, and that what is happening is a “breathable closure” on a number of areas.

On Saturday night, Israeli Army Chief of Staff, Moshe Ya’alon, said he ordered the army to impose a comprehensive siege on the Hebron district until further notice, and that the decision was made following extensive security meetings, the Ma’an News Agency has reported.

Israel also closed the Karem Abu Salem (Kerem Shalom), and Erez terminals leading to Gaza.

Israeli sources said only urgent and humanitarian cases will be allowed to cross, after obtaining special permits from the Israeli military – permits that are largely denied.

Dozens of Palestinians have been kidnapped in different parts of the West Bank, during an extensive and ongoing military campaign aiming at locating three missing Israeli teenage settlers.

Israeli settlers also attacked several homes and cars in Husan, and other areas, in Bethlehem, in and around Hebron city, and various areas in different parts of the occupied West Bank.

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